
100 days old:

Her way of communicating went from humming to grunting.  Not just a normal grunt, but angry grunting!  We might be in trouble!


three months & ice cream:

Yesterday our little monster reached month #three!  Jem loves to watch us sing to her.  She will hum along with us when she gets into the song.  She is such a happy baby :)  We are extra happy this month because there won't be any immunization shots!


talking to daddy:

Short video taken with my cell phone of Jem talking to her daddy in the morning.


jem and kit:

two months
see her at one month


future jem:

We've been collecting photos of what we think Jem might look like in the future.  They are all stuck on a wall in her closet.  Is that weird?  Maybe, but its still fun.


story time:

Jem loves story time.  At just two months old, she pays attention and even reacts (screams!) when a page is turned.  As of now, her favorite book is The Berenstains' B Book.


who's that bear?

Sleeping like a champ!
Lately, I have been getting a full night's sleep.  Thanks Jem!